Menopause Information

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Your guide to help navigate the menopause journey!

A journey through menopause – insights from the experts.

In the following videos Dr. Lorraine Dontigny, an Obstetrician-Gynecologist practicing at VM-Med in Montreal discusses menopause topics with Canadian menopause experts to help you on your menopause journey

This website is intended for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. The content presented, including the videos featuring the doctors, represents their opinions and insights based on expertise and experience. Always seek the advice of your Health Care Provider with any medical concerns.

What is menopause?

Mood, sleep, and cognition in peri-menopausal period – Episode 1

Mood, sleep, and cognition in peri-menopausal period – Episode 2

Mood disorders, anxiety, and depression

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) for post-breast cancer patients

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) – genital and urinary symptoms

Common symptoms of menopause

Common symptoms
of menopause

Commonly asked questions

What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural event that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual period. It’s typically confirmed when a woman has missed her period for 12 consecutive months (in the absence of other obvious causes).

What Is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause means “around menopause”, and usually lasts several years. The gradual transition between the reproductive years and menopause when the menstrual period ceases. During perimenopause, women may experience symptoms such as shorter time between periods, irregular menses, night sweats, and other symptoms associated with hormonal changes.

What is early or premature menopause?

Menopause, whether natural or induced, is called premature when it happens at age 40 or younger. This occurs in about 1% of women. Natural premature menopause can be genetic, metabolic, autoimmune, or the result of other poorly understood conditions. Premature menopause should be evaluated thoroughly.

What is induced menopause?

Induced menopause refers to menstrual periods that stop after surgical removal of the ovaries, chemotherapy, or radiation damage to the ovaries, or from the use of other medications to intentionally induce menopause as part of the treatment of certain diseases.

What Is Perimenopause?

The gradual transition between the reproductive years and menopause (the cessation of menstrual periods) is called perimenopause (literally meaning “around menopause”). It is generally a transition that is many years long and can be associated with shorter menstrual intervals, irregular menses, night sweats, and other symptoms.

What is early or premature menopause?

Menopause, whether natural or induced, is called premature when it happens at age 40 or younger. This occurs in about 1% of women in the United States. Premature menopause that is not induced can be genetic, metabolic, autoimmune, or the result of other poorly understood conditions. Premature menopause should be evaluated thoroughly.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a normal, natural event—defined as the final menstrual period and usually confirmed when a woman has missed her periods for 12 consecutive months (in the absence of other obvious causes).

How can I treat symptoms of menopause?

Treatments focus on relieving signs and symptoms and preventing or managing chronic conditions that may occur with aging.  Before deciding on any form of treatment, talk with your doctor about your options and the risks and benefits involved with each.

What is induced menopause?

Induced menopause refers to menstrual periods which stop after surgical removal of the ovaries, chemotherapy or radiation damage to the ovaries, or from the use of other medications to intentionally induce menopause as part of the treatment of certain diseases.

When does menopause happen?

Menopause occurs, on average, at age 51. It occurs most often between ages 45 and 55.

What is post-menopause?

Post-menopause includes all the years beyond menopause

What changes will I face as menopause approaches?

Each woman’s menopause experience is different. Many women who undergo natural menopause report


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